Saturday, November 15, 2014

Here for Others

Connecting and Caring

Our life together as members and friends of Holy Comforter, Richmond, is about so much more than what happens within the walls of our church. Sure, what happens internally is important, but we believe that we are here to connect with those who do not come to our church. We believe that we are here to care for people because we are all part of the same community, which is called 'humanity'. In the last two months, we have connected with so many in the wider community---in helping same-sex couples to have a civil marriage, in working with our local inter-faith group to plan a Thanksgiving Gathering of many different denominations and faiths, hosting our neighborhood's community meeting, working with people in the wider community to plan a Word AIDs Day service. And tomorrow, we will be supporting the United Nations Millennium Development Goals by talking about them, educating, and collecting and giving an offering to the Malala Fund, which supports education for girls throughout the world. Malala FundUN Millennium Development Goals