Friday, August 15, 2014

Engaging the World and Being Engaged By It

The Church is not the Building

Over the last few weeks, we have been reaching out to our neighbors, people who live near the church and people who may not. We continue with our Outreach ministries of feeding homeless veterans and offering food to our food pantry visitors. We attended the neighborhood block party in the church's neighborhood a two weeks ago. The focus of the gathering was on getting to know each other, knowing who our neighbors are, and neighborhood safety - police and fire personnel were there, as was a local politician. Those of us from the church had a great time meeting and talking with people. It gave me a sense of who is living near the church...who they are, what their lives involve. Getting out and meeting people rather than staying in a church office is what we who work in the church need to do. The phrase, "The Episcopal Church is here for you." is for everyone who does not yet attend, and may never come to our church, as well as for those who do. 

Holy Comforter also needs our neighbors. At that gathering, we were able to share that vandals had done some damage to the church. It felt good knowing that our neighbors cared, which was obvious as they offered support. Not everyone will come to Holy Comforter or the Episcopal Church, but we are still in this life for each other.

While the church is not the building (the church is you and me), we still hope to keep our buildings and grounds in good shape for this and future generations. Not a lot of damage has been done, but enough that it hurts...even a little hurts. We prayed during the worship service last Sunday that the people doing the vandalism will know God's love and joy, and be able to move on to better activities for their good and ours. Even though it is not a laughing matter, I had to laugh a little at this damage to one of our outdoor lights.

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